Life event support
We support your life event, and make your work environment comfortable.
Charge-Subsidy System for Evenings and Holidays, Illness and Convalescence, and After-school Child Care
December 11, 2019

Nagaoka University of Technology and National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College subsidize charges for the use of child care services provided by child-care facilities, such as evenings, holidays, illness and convalescence, and after-school child care for researchers belonging to the institutes (including men researchers) to balance research and child-rearing.
1. Purpose
The system is intended to enable researchers who are rearing children to continue research and educational activities smoothly and to develop their careers. “Children” here means those who have not reached the first March 31 after becoming 12 years of age (hereinafter designated as “Children”).
2. Persons Eligible for Use
Any person who is unable to care for Children at home because of the person’s and spouse’s research or employment, or caregiving for family members.
3. System Description
When a researcher who has made an advance registration has paid a charge for the use of child-care facilities, family support center programs, and babysitters for care of Children, such as during evenings, holidays, illness and convalescence, and after-school child care, the system shall support part of the payment as a subsidy for the usage charge.
4. Handling of Personal Information
Personal information that each institution has collected through application for the system and a request for the subsidy shall be used only for implementation of the system.
5. Facilities and Services Eligible for Use
- Child care facilities that are members of Zenkoku byoujihoiku kyogikai
- Child care facilities that are designated in child care programs for ill or convalescent children implemented by municipalities
- School children’s clubs placed in elementary school districts by municipalities and private school child care facilities
- Child care in the homes of members who provide family support center programs implemented by municipalities. Child care in users’ homes provided by private babysitters
- Child care facilities and services approved by each institution other than those specified in items 1. – 4.
6. Other
Implementation and operation of the system (including the upper limit of the subsidy per Child) shall be provided by each institution according to the budget and actual conditions.
Research Grant System to Support Returning to Research Suspended Because of Life Events

November 13, 2019
Nagaoka University of Technology and National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College (hereinafter designated as the “Cooperative Institutions”) describe necessary matters related to a research grant system that supports researchers belonging to the “Cooperative Institutions” to return to research that has been suspended because of life events (hereinafter designated as the “System”)
1. Purpose
When a researcher, whether man or woman, belonging to the Cooperative Institution returns to research that has been suspended for three months or more because of childbirth, child-rearing, care or nursing of a relative, or the like (hereinafter designated as “life events”), a grant will be awarded to the researcher to resume research smoothly and to develop a continuous career.
2. Persons Eligible to Apply
- Researchers who belong to the Cooperative Institutions and who have suspended research activities for at least three months within the past three years from April 1 in the year of application because of life events.
- In addition to the above, persons who are approved by the president of each institution
3. Screening and Determination
The applicant’s affiliated institution conducts screening based on the submitted application and determines whether a grant will be awarded or not, as well as the amount of the grant. The institution shall notify the applicant to that effect.
4. Handling of Personal Information
Personal information that each institution has collected through the application for the grant shall be used only for operations to implement the System.
5. Other
Implementation and operation of the System shall be provided by each institution according to the budget and actual conditions.
Research Assistants by Faculty Members during Periods of Family Need
September 13, 2019
1. Intent

When teachers belonging to the cooperative institutions are experiencing pregnancy, childbirth, or childrearing, or need to provide care or nursing, research supporters will be placed to secure time for research and to promote research activities.
2. Duties of Research Supporters
Research supporters shall be engaged in support work determined by each institution for teachers undertaking childrearing or associated responsibilities period at the request of the teachers.
3. Eligible Teachers

Teachers eligible to apply are those who have difficulties in executing research activities because of one of the following reasons.
- When the teacher or spouse is pregnant
- When the teacher is raising a child in the sixth or lower grade in elementary school
- When the teacher is caring for a relative who is certified as a person in need of care by a municipality (irrespective of co-habitation or not)
- When the teacher is caring for a person with disabilities
- When the teacher is in a situation equivalent to the above
4. Support Period
- A support period shall be within one year, from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.
- When the reason for the need of a supporter(s) has ceased to exist during the support period, the support shall be terminated.
5. Application
Teachers undertaking child-rearing or some similar tasks shall submit the documents specified in the following items to the president of the institution when needing supporters to undertake research.
- An application for the use of research supporters
- A document to certify that the teacher is undertaking child-rearing or associated tasks
- When there is a candidate for a research supporter(s), the person’s resume
- When the desired candidate for a research supporter(s) is a postgraduate student at the university, written consent of the student’s supervisor
6. Screening
When having received an application, the president of each institution shall conduct screening to ascertain whether employing a supporter(s) is appropriate or not. When found appropriate, the president shall notify the applicant of that decision.
7. Status
Supporters shall be part-time employees.
8. Recruitment and Salaries
Recruitment and salaries for supporters shall be governed by the work rules of each institution.
9. Others
For detailed information, ask for the section in charge of each institution.
Work-Life Balance Counseling
December 17, 2019

1. Purpose of the Establishment
Nagaoka University of Technology, National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College, and eTrust Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Cooperative Institutions”) establish a “work-life balance counseling room” for improvement of the environment in which not only women but also all researchers and teaching staff can display their capabilities while balancing work and life.
Particularly, by supporting women researchers who are facing life events such as childbirth and childrearing, or caregiving, we increase the number of women engineering researchers and encourage the employment of women and the increase in senior positions.
2. Location and Timing of Opening of the Counseling Room
Location: Room 707, Seventh Floor, Synthetic Research Bldg., Nagaoka University of Technology
Opening: November 1, 2019

3. Matters to be Consulted
- Balancing research and work responsibilities when confronting and coping with life events such as childbirth, child-rearing, and caregiving
- Concerns about work-life balance (WLB)
- Introduction to specialized agencies and organizations on-campus and off-campus with the permission of the consulting person
4. Counselor
Group for Promoting Diversity in Research Counselor Shirai Hitomi
Counselor’s Profile Industrial counselor, Career consultant, JAWE Career Development Designer
5. Persons Eligible for Counseling
Researchers at the Cooperative Institutions (including research workers, and doctoral students at the university) and teaching staff
6. Counseling Days
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 16:00
7. Reservation
Make a reservation by phone or email.
Phone 0258-47-9911 (Nagaoka University of Technology, ext. 9911 and 2170)
8. Counseling
- A counseling session is about 45 min long, in principle.
- In the matters to be consulted, those required to revise the system, improve facilities, and reflect on the projects to realize research environment diversity will be dealt with in consultation with the Head of the Group on the premise of the consulter’s consent and the careful management of personal information.
9. Handling of personal information
On the premise of careful management of personal information from acceptance to after counseling, documents are secured in a locked stack room. All electronic media, such as EXCEL and WORD files and documents, are managed with passwords.