Aiming for Realization of diversity environment and Gender Equality in Engineering and Industrial Fields

KAMADO Shigeharu
President Nagaoka University of Technology
Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT), in collaboration with the National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College (Nagaoka KOSEN), and E trust co., Ltd., is working towards the realization of a Diversity Environment and gender equality in the engineering and industrial fields. Their plan has been adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) since 2019. The name of the project is “the Initiative for Implementation of the Diversity Research Environment”. This project is part of the MEXT’s Human Resource Development Program for Science and Technology. At present, 16 local organizations and companies participate in this project as support members.
In each sequential stage of human development from national institutes of technology (KOSEN), universities to companies, the project continues to search for measures to expand the next generation of female researchers and engineers. At present, these are low in numbers, and their participation should be encouraged. These endeavors benefit from the interconnectivity between KOSEN, universities, and companies, their respective characteristics and networks.
In order to ensure that diverse female researchers and engineers, including foreigners, can continue their research activities and play an active role at the forefront in the long term, the project continues to improve the environment by supporting both research and childrearing and family care, as well as support for maintaining and improving research and technical capabilities.
Research environment for realizing people’s happiness
The action required now is to review the way research, technology development, and environmental factors have been managed so far. Differences in gender and physical characteristics need to be considered in research and technology development.
It is expected that more and more women will advance to engineering and industrial fields, engage in research and technology development, and create new perspectives and ideas.
Absorbing such diverse perspectives and ideas will surely lead to the creation of innovation, and this will contribute to the happiness of individuals. As a result, all people will be able to fully demonstrate their abilities regardless of gender.
Cooperation with local communities for a sustainable society
In 2018, NUT was appointed by the United Nations as a world hub university for the Academic Impact SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Goal 9 (Let’s build the foundation for industry and technological innovation). As a university that serves as an exemplar of stable industrialization that serves people around the world, NUT is working to promote and raise awareness of the SDGs and strengthen the development of new technologies.
In order to realize social and gender equality in which all people play an active role (which is one of the pillars of Japan’s SDGs model), and to spread the results and issues gained from efforts to promote diversity to the local community, the project has started preparations for the establishment of a Diversity Consortium.
We look forward to your continued support and cooperation.